Aigle (Italian) brand Flocking Machine
Aigle (Italian) Flocking Machine, 1.80mt working width, 3 heads, 1999 model, 8 chamber drying, oil heated, underutilised, only used for 1 year, installed and running situation.
ATYC Super Turbo (Spanish) Beam Dyeing Machine
ATYC Super Turbo (Spanish) Beam Dyeing Machine, 1000 kg capacity, 1999 model, 165 cm internal diameter, Setex 737 programmer, installed and running situation.
Biella Shrunk Process Decatizing Machine
Biella Shrunk Process Decatizing Machine, 1.60 mt working width, 1999 model, installed and running situation.
Bruckner Brand Stenter
Bruckner Brand Stenter, 1.80 mt working width, 2mt roller width, 1999 model, 12 chamber, horizontal chain, CLIP, at the entrance; J-Box, Kusters dye padder with S-Roll feature (222.58.1800), 2 pcs chemical tank, Mahlo weft straightener (over the platform), brushing machine (over the platform), at the exit; 2 cooling unit, J-Box, inspection table, 2 batchers, electric panel with Siemens inverters, PLC, totally 24 Eclipse Brand Original Bruckner Burners located on both sides, gas heated, Stopped at the mill floor.
Eutron marka Fabric Crushing Machine
3 pcs Eutron marka Fabric Crushing Machine, Italian made, 1999 model, underutilised, in good condition, at warehouse.
Fimat brand Rotation Template Washing Machine
Jacquard Weaving Machine
6 pcs Jacquard Weaving Machines, Somet Excel Thema 11, Somet Super Excel ve Nouva Pignone Fast Smit, 1.90 mt, 2.10 mt, 2.20 mt working width (Please check machine details for more information).
Krantz Branded Stenter Machine
Krantz Branded Stenter Machine
Kromsan Brand Tumbler Dryer
Kusters Pad Steam Makinası, susuz boyama ve yıkama makinası
Kusters Pad Steam Machine, dyeing (without water) and washing machine, 1.8 mt working width, 2.00 mt roll width, 1999-2005 model, installed and running situation.
Lafer Türk Şardon Makinası
Lafer Turk Raising Machine, 1.80 mt, 1999 model, Single drum, 24 rasing rollers, installed and running situation