Beneks Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine
Beneks Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine, 450 kg capacity, 2005 model, 3 chambers, Eliar T7000 programmer, reserve tank, installed and running situation.
Biella Formula 1 Cup Machine
Biella Formula 1 Multipla Decatizing Machine, 1.60mt working width, 1.80mt felt width, 2005 model, steam heated, felt is replaced with new, inverter, installed and running situation.
Brazzoli Innodye Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine
3 pcs Brazzoli Innodye Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine
- - 1 pc 450 kg capacity, 2005 model, 3 spindles, Setex 777CE programmer
- - 1 pc 300 Kg capacity, 2004 model, 2 spindles, Setex 777CE programmer
- - 1 pc 200 kg capacity, 2003 model, 1 spindle, Setex 777CE programmer
installed and running situation.
Steam boiler
Steam Boiler, 2005 Model, Coal heated, 10 Tons Capacity, installed and running situation
Dilmenler Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine
2 pcs Dilmenler Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine, 150 kg capacity, 2005 model, 2 pcs additional tank, Setex 777 CE contoller, installed and running situation.
Dilmenler Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine
Dilmenler Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine, 150 kg capacity, 2005 model, 2 pcs tank, Setex 838 contoller, installed and running situation.
Elektroteks Brand Double Drum Raising Machine
Elektroteks Brand Double Drum Raising Machine, 2005 model, 2.40 mt working width, double drum, 48 (24+24) cylinders, 22 raising rollers, installed and running condition
Erensan Brand Steam Boiler
Erensan Brand Steam Boiler, 4 tons steam capacity, 2005 model, 10 bar, economizer, 3 condensate tanks, advanced BST water softening system, anti-corrosion system, NATURAL GAS, installed, electrical connection available.
Erhardt Leimer Weft Straightening Machine
Erhardt Leimer Weft Straightening Machine, 1.8 m working width, 2 m cylinder width, 2005 model, EL Straight type, screen and motherboard changed, in warehouse.
Fabotex brand Tassel Machine
Kaymak Makina Sample Jet Machine
KMT Minicrash Fabric Crushing Machine
KMT Minicrash Fabric Crushing Machine, Italian made, 2005 model, underutilised, in good condition, at warehouse.