Steam Boilers
BT Brand Steam Boiler,
BT Brand Steam Boiler, 12 tons capacity, 2013 model, solid fuel, installed and running situation.
BT Brand Steam Boiler
BT Brand Steam Boiler, 8 ton capacity, 200 m2, 2004 model, 8 bar pressure, Brox burner, installed and running situation.
BT Brand Steam Boiler,
BT Brand Steam Boiler, 10 ton capacity, 2009 model, coal heated, 8 bar, economiser, stainless steel chimney with water filter, condense tank, condense pumps, PLC screen, chimney fan, installed and running situation.
Steam boiler
Steam Boiler, 2005 Model, Coal heated, 10 Tons Capacity, installed and running situation
Desa Steam Boiler
Desa Steam Boiler, 10 tons capacity, 2003 model, Gas heated, installed and running situation.
Erensan HDR 200 Brand Steam Boiler
Erensan HDR 200 Brand Steam Boiler, 2 Ton capacity, 2022 Model, condense tank, installed and running situation
Erensan Brand Steam Boiler
Erensan Brand Steam Boiler, 4 tons steam capacity, 2005 model, 10 bar, economizer, 3 condensate tanks, advanced BST water softening system, anti-corrosion system, NATURAL GAS, installed, electrical connection available.
Ideal brand Steam Boiler
Ideal Steam Boiler, 8 Tons, 200 m, 2008 model/reconditioned in 2008, gas heated, at warehouse.
Ideal Brand Steam Boiler
Ideal Brand Steam Boiler, 1993 model, 200 m² heating surface, 12 bar pressure, installed and running situation.
Selnikel Steam Boiler
Selnikel Brand Steam Boiler, 2015 Model, 135 m2, economizer, condensate tank, GAS HEATED, Weishaupt brand burner, kurulu ve çalışır durumda.
Therma Brand Steam Boiler
Therma Brand Steam Boiler, 2001 Model, 150 m2, installed and running situation.
Therma VT1500 Steam Boiler
Therma VT1500 Steam Boiler, 15 tons capacity, 2000 model, economizer, gas heated, installed and running situation.