Master Dye Brand Sizing Line

Number: 1
Model: 1994
Kodu: Mr-04593

Master Dye Brand Sizing Line, 1994 Model, 12 positions creel, 13 pcs tanks (Wash/Scouring/Dyeing), Accumulater, Rotal Brand Sizing, 8 pcs Predrying Cylinders, 1 pc Double Dip Size tank, 10 pcs Drying Cylinders, Beams dimensions 3200mm x 1100mm, installed and running situation

Ramallumin sizing machine

Number: 2
Model: 2012
Kodu: Mr-04541

2 pcs Ramallumin sizing machine, 2.20 mt working width, 2012 model, 2 pcs sizing box, creel 24 beam, 14 pcs drying cylinder, installed and running situation

Sucker Müller Hacoba sizing machine

Number: 1
Model: 2003
Kodu: Mr-04533

Sucker Müller Hacoba sizing machine, 2.20 mt working width, 2003 model, 2 pcs sizing box, creel 16 beam, 14 drums (4-4-6), installed and running situation

Sucker Müller Size Warping Machine

Number: 1
Model: 1998
Kodu: Mr-03921

Sucker Müller Brand Size Warping Machine, 2.40 mt working width, 1998 model, single padded creel, 600 bobbin creel, pre-heating trough, installed and running situation

Sucker Müller Brand Sizing Machine

Number: 2
Model: 1996
Kodu: Mr-04443

2 pcs Sucker Müller Brand Sizing Machine, 1996 Model, Sizing Unit: Single Tank - Double Dipping – Double Squeezing

  • - 1 pc WE10 type, Working Width (Head) 2600 mm, Sizing Width (Tank) 2200 mm, Max Beam Diameter 1000 mm, 8 pcs Drying Cylinder, Creel Beam to Beam
  • - 1 pc WE10-PC type, Working Width (Head) 3200 mm, Sizing Width (Tank) 2200 mm, Max Beam Diameter 1000 mm, 12 pcs Drying Cylinder, Creel 16 Lı Sağlık + beam to beam

Installed and running situation

Sucker Müller Brand Sizing Machine

Number: 1
Model: 1990
Kodu: Mr-04446

Sucker Müller Brand Sizing Machine, 2.20 mt working width, 2.40 mt roll width, 1990 model, 4 pcs cylinder, installed and running situation