Bianco Brand Ageing

Number: 1
Model: 1997
Kodu: Mr-03763

Bianco Brand Slittering (Vertical Opening) Machine, 1997 model, tube cutting head, padder (roller width 2.40 mt), plaiter, inverter, at warehouse.

Bianco Brand Slittering Machine

Number: 1
Model: 1995
Kodu: Mr-04017

Bianco Brand Slittering Machine, 1995 model, padder not available, roller width 1.80 mt, plaiter, installed situation

Bianco Brand Slittering Machine

Number: 1
Model: 1997
Kodu: Mr-04018

Bianco Brand Slittering Machine, 1997 model, tube cutting head, padder (roller width 2 mt), plaiter, installed situation

Bianco Brand Wet Fabric Opening Machine

Number: 1
Model: 2000
Kodu: Mr-04171

Bianco Brand Wet Fabric Opening Machine, 2000 model, foulard, working width 2.40 mt. Cylinder width 2.60 m, inverter installed and running.

Biella Formula 1 Cup Machine

Number: 1
Model: 2005
Kodu: Mr-03806

Biella Formula 1 Multipla Decatizing Machine, 1.60mt working width, 1.80mt felt width, 2005 model, steam heated, felt is replaced with new, inverter, installed and running situation.

Biella Shrunk Process Decatizing Machine

Number: 1
Model: 1999
Kodu: Mr-03965

Biella Shrunk Process Decatizing Machine, 1.60 mt working width, 1999 model, installed and running situation.

Coil Dyeing Machine

Number: 1
Model: 2017
Kodu: Mr-03654

Özel Yapım 3 Bobbin HT Bobbin Dyeing Machine, 2017 model, boiler width 40 cm, 1 mt length, Eliar controller, invertors, with reserve tank, running situation.

Bonino Brand Chiffono Machine

Number: 1
Model: 2006
Kodu: Mr-04264

Bonino Marka Şifonoz Makinesi, 2006 model, 5 safha, 2 mt genişliğinde, demonte vaziyette depoda.

Brazzoli Innodye Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine

Number: 3
Model: 2003
Kodu: Mr-04482

3 pcs Brazzoli Innodye Brand HT Fabric Dyeing Machine

  • - 1 pc 450 kg capacity, 2005 model, 3 spindles, Setex 777CE programmer
  • - 1 pc 300 Kg capacity, 2004 model, 2 spindles, Setex 777CE programmer
  • - 1 pc 200 kg capacity, 2003 model, 1 spindle, Setex 777CE programmer

installed and running situation.

Brazzoli brand Overflow Fabric Dyeing Machine

Number: 1
Model: 1998
Kodu: Mr-04179

Brazzoli brand Overflow Fabric Dyeing Machine, 300 kg capacity, 3 chambers, 1988 model, disassembled, in warehouse.

Brazzoli Brand Pipe Type HT Fabric Dyeing Machines

Number: 2
Model: 2000
Kodu: Mr-03902

2 pcs Brazzoli Brand Pipe Type HT Fabric Dyeing Machines, 400 kg capacity, 2000 Model, 1 chemical tank, installed and running situation.

Bruckner Powerframe Stenter Machine

Number: 1
Model: 2016
Kodu: Mr-04390

Bruckner Powerframe Stenter Machine, 1.80 mt working width, 2 mt roller width, 2016 model, 8 chambers, horizontal chain, pin and clip, at the entrance; padder, Pleva weft straightener, Erhart Leimer edge control, humidification unit, at the exit; 1 pcs cooling cylinder, plaiter and batcher, Siemens PLC, Lenze inverter, 16 burners (located on both side of the chambers), gas heated, installed and running situation.