Aiki AT 501 Brand Air Texturizing Machine

Number: 1
Model: 2008
Kodu: Mr-04005

Aiki AT 501 Brand Air Texturizing Machine, 2008 model, Total 120 spindles (60+60), the machine can work independently right or left. Either side (R or L) the machine can operate independently in different conditions. In one side 4 sensors, 4 main threads and 4 secondary threads can be attached, the other side has 3 sensors, 3 main threads and 3 secondary threads can be attached. The winding system suitable for 10 inch bobbins. Mechanical slab device on both sides of the machine. Additionally an air slab device on the side with 3 layers suitable to produce air slab yarn. 120 jet housing units and 60 jets will be delivered with the machine. The flat air texturizing yarn can be easily produce 3 ply and 4 ply. Creels are suitable for multi-layered products. Installed and running situation.

Giudici Brand Air Textured Spinning Machine

Number: 2
Model: 1997
Kodu: Mr-02617
2 pcs Giudici RG30 TA Brand Air Texturing Machine Yarn Machine, 1997 and 1999 model, 36 spindles, automatic feeding system, heberlein jet, gode heat up to 130 centigrade degrees, dismantled, at warehouse.
1997 – 1999