Hamel Yarn Twisting Machine

Number: 5
Model: 1998
Kodu: Mr-03265
4 pcs Hamel Yarn Twisting Machine and 1 pcs Metler Brand Yarn Doubling Machine; 4 pcs Hamel Yarn Twisting Machine, 132 spindles, 7 inch, 1988 model and 1 pcs Metler Brand Yarn Doubling Machine, 60 spindles, 1988 model, full automatic, all spindles running, machines are installed and running situation.

RPR Yarn (Lock) Twisting and Doubling Machine

Number: 6
Model: 1995
Kodu: Mr-03151
6 pcs RPR Yarn Twisting and Doubling Machine (S-Z feature), 2 pcs RPR GC-96 type, 4 pcs ST-120 type, all with 120 spindles, two-three for one, 1995 model, installed and running situation.

Daewon Twisting Machine and Yarn Doubling Machine

Number: 3
Model: 1995
Kodu: Mr-02371
2 pcs Daewon STFO-1 Twisting Machines and 1 pcs Daewon Yarn Folding Machine, 1995 model, 245mm feeding 70m/min, 160 spindles twisting and 70 spindles folding, luwa mobile cleaner, 6" (4 20) conic, installed and running situation.