5 Mutoh Valuejet Brand digital printing machines, 2013 model
Number: 5
Model: 2013
Kodu: Mr-04224
5 pcs Mutoh Valuejet Brand sublimation digital paper printing machine, 2013 model, 1.60 mt working width, 1638wx, 2 heads, no heads, in working condition.
Guvencelik RDP-2005-32 Brand Fabric Lot Preparation Machine
Number: 1
Model: 2006
Kodu: Mr-04223
Guvencelik RDP-2005-32 Brand Fabric Lot Preparation Machine, 2006 model, 2.10 mt working width, right and left finger fabric opener, fabric basket included, little used, installed and running situation.
Karl Mayer Jakarlı Raşel Örme Tesisi
Number: 39
Model: 1997
Kodu: Mr-04303
35 pcs Karl Mayer Creel and jacquard Raschel Knitting Machines, The facility is producing women's and men’s clothing, it can also produce home textiles. İnstalled and running situation.
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